Cognition and Natural Sensory Processing Initiative (CNSP)

CNSP is an open science initiative providing a platform for facilitating research on congnition and natural sensory processing.

CNSP activities and projects:
  • CNSP Virtual Workshops, where you can learn methodologies for neural signal processing for natural scenes and sound perception). Booklet for this year's workshop.
  • CND: A standardised data structure for natural sensory processing datasets.
  • CNSP Resources, including standardised datasets and tutorials (e.g., mTRF-Toolbox, EelBrain)
  • CNSP project supported by a generous travel scholarship from mBrainTrain (official call here). The student Giorgio Piazza, who won the scholarship at CNSP2022, carried out a project on speech perception with Giovanni Di Liberto at TCD and the CNSP team.

If you would like to receive updates about the workshop, you can sign up for the Google group CNSP Workshop by clicking the link for the group and pressing the button "Ask to join group":

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Key dates

April 2025 – stay tuned for more information about registration for CNSP2025 Workshop and first CNSP Hackaton in Maastricht!
1 May – 31 August 2025:
CNSP2025 Workshop & Hackaton Registration
2 – 3 September 2025:
CNSP2025 Workshop happening online!
12 – 14 September 2025:
CNSP Hackaton happening in Maastricht!

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